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5 Essentials to Build Your Meditation Practice

If you’re ready to build a meditation practice,  preparing yourself with the right mindset and support can make a big difference.

Sometimes, all you need is a simple road map to get started—or restarted, if it’s been a while since you practiced.

Check out my video to learn five essentials that will help you create a more lasting, insightful and enjoyable meditation practice.

Remember – to build a lasting and meaningful mindfulness practice, keep these five essentials in mind:

  1.  Prepare Yourself – this is a practice and not a performance and your mind will wander.
  2.  Bring Your Heart Into It – every time you practice it’s an act of caring about yourselves and those around you.
  3.  Forgive Yourself  – you’re going to be completely imperfect, since you’re human like the rest of us.
  4.  Thank Yourself – acknowledge yourself for making the effort to take time out of daily busyness for your own learning, health and well-being.
  5. Find a Buddy – feeling connected to others who are practicing meditation is a great source of motivation, and also helps with accountability. I hope you will join our weekly Community Meditations every Sunday from 9:00 – 9:30 am Pacific! It’s free to register, and you can meditate live or watch the replay.

Remember this is a practice, and you are learning, there is no such thing as a “bad” meditation practice, and every time you practice is an act of self-care.

As always, please feel free to share your thoughts, experiences and questions about building a mindfulness practice. Your insights and ideas provide a living wisdom for us all to benefit from.

P.S. If you’re looking for a dynamic community to support you with building an enduring mindfulness practice, A Course in Mindful Living, my private online training program, will be starting in March. I’m looking forward to sharing more details with you soon!

