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Improving our mindfulness together one step at a time.

How Self-Awareness Can Relieve Anxiety Naturally

How Self-Awareness Can Relieve Anxiety Naturally Do you want to discover the ways that your brain might be subconsciously sabotaging your efforts? Do you want to learn ways you can trade out these subconscious processes for new mental habits that help you live a better...

The Truth Behind Fear, Anxiety and Panic…

The Truth Behind Fear, Anxiety and Panic…

Right now we are living in unprecedented times of uncertainty, and it’s igniting heightened stress, anxiety and panic. If you’ve been struggling to and looking to relieve anxiety lately, you are not alone. But there’s a truth behind fear that can help you cool its...

Don’t Despair

Don’t Despair Don’t Despair… Are you having a hard time responding to the challenges, tragedies, and hurting in the world? As you take in the news, do you feel yourself growing numb, cynical or hopeless? If you’re impacted emotionally by...

5 Essentials to Build Your Meditation Practice

5 Essentials to Build Your Meditation Practice 5 Essentials to Build Your Meditation Practice If you’re ready to build a meditation practice,  preparing yourself with the right mindset and support can make a big difference. Sometimes, all you need is a simple road...

Sharing Gratitude

Sharing Gratitude

In this video I will guide you through a quick gratitude session, express my heartfelt thanks and gratitude for those serving our community, and extend a special invitation to those who want to make a difference